Assessment decision review

If clearance applicants are assessed as not suitable to hold a security clearance, a procedural fairness process is initiated.

The clearance applicant is advised of AGSVA’s concerns and is provided an opportunity to respond.

AGSVA will consider all of the information, including the clearance applicant’s response, before making a final decision on the outcome of the security clearance assessment.

Decision review

A clearance applicant can request a review of a decision to deny or revoke a security clearance.

APS employees can request:

  • A primary review by AGSVA within 120 days of the decision notification.
  • A secondary review by the Merit Protection Commissioner within 60 days of the decision of the primary review.
  • Lodge a complaint with the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

ADF members can request:

  • An internal review as per the Defence Complaints and Resolution Manual.
  • A review by the Defence Force Ombudsman.

Non-APS employees can request:

  • An internal review by AGSVA.
  • Lodge a complaint with the Commonwealth Ombudsman.